Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Creating Your Custom Wedding Invitations

With the large sum of expenses that contribute to planning the perfect wedding, all brides out there are striving to save money wherever possible. One of the easiest ways to cut some costs is by customizing your own wedding invitations online. Adding your own personal touch will be significantly cheaper and be a more special gesture for all of your guests. But no need to be worried, no art degree is required!

Before beginning the process of creating your save the dates, collect all the information for the invitation including your names as well as the date, time and location of the ceremony. This is must-know information for the guest to possess. Then make a list of all the guests that you both expect to invite to the wedding and double check it. This number will ensure you make enough, and not too many, invitations. It will also help to cut down on the stress when addressing and sending them.

The first and most important part of designing wedding invitations for your big day is to select the correct format. Do not be afraid to break away from tradition. You want to make sure that your invitation leaves a lasting impression on the receiver instead of being tossed aside like junk mail. It can be helpful to pick a format that corresponds with the theme for your wedding - that's why a large selection like the wedding invitations from PaperStyle makes life so much easier.  It is the moment when everyone finally sees the colors and overall theme for the wedding. For example, if you are having a summer beach wedding, select something that corresponds to the location such as a message in the bottle invitation.

Avoid falling into the trap of purchasing overpriced stationery. They are simply not necessary and can total up really fast.  No matter what website you decide to use for the invites, insert your own and your groom's personality and style. If your guest opens the invitation and is greeted by a funny picture or quote that fits your style, they will be more likely to RSVP. Entice them so that they will want to share in your day for all the fun it is sure to bring them.

The most important of tips is to have fun selecting your wedding invitations. It should be used as a bonding experience instead of a arduous chore. Spend the time to sit down together at the kitchen table and tell stories to one another about the people being invited. Take the time to enjoy this step of the planning before the more intense portions to come. Be comforted in the crazy amount of money you will save doing it online.

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